How To Clean Mirrors At Home

How To Clean Mirrors At Home

From handprints to water spots, our mirrors bear witness to the daily grind. A home wouldn’t feel complete without them, and yet they often go unnoticed in our cleaning routines until their lackluster appearance demands attention. Whether you’re doing your daily upkeep or preparing for a deep-clean weekend, knowing how to clean mirrors properly can make all the difference. Here’s your comprehensive guide to ensuring your mirrors not only reflect light but also your clean and organized home.

Gather Supplies

Before you start, ensure you have all the necessary cleaning supplies at your reach:

  • Two clean microfiber cloths
  • A soft, lint-free cloth
  • Glass cleaner or vinegar solution
  • Rubbing alcohol (optional for tough spots)
  • Distilled water (to prevent streaks)
  • These supplies will work wonders on your mirrors, leaving them gleaming without causing any damage.

Dusting the Mirror

The first step of mirror cleaning is to dust the surface. Dust can dull a mirror’s shine and make it look older than it is. Using a clean microfiber cloth, lightly run it over the mirror’s surface to pick up dust and any loose particles. Be gentle to avoid scratching the mirror.

Beyond the mirror’s glass, don’t forget to dust the frame and any decorative elements. This added step can maintain the polished appearance of the entire mirror.

Cleaning the Mirror Frame

If the mirror has a frame or decoration, make sure to clean this as well. Use a damp microfiber cloth and a mild soapy solution to wipe down the entire frame. Avoid getting water into any decorative crevices. Once clean, dry the frame thoroughly to prevent water stains.

Prepare Cleaning Solution

Keeping mirrors clean and streak-free is essential for maintaining a sparkling home. To achieve that pristine shine, start by preparing a simple yet effective cleaning solution. Gathering your supplies is the first step in ensuring a successful mirror cleaning session. Mix warm water with a small amount of mild dish soap or a gentle household cleaner. This solution helps break down dirt, grime, and smudges that accumulate on mirrors over time. Having the right cleaning tools, such as a lint-free microfiber cloth or a sponge, will make the process more efficient and leave your mirrors spotless.

Use Glass Cleaner

Choose a high-quality mirror glass cleaner with or without ammonia according to your preference. If you have sensitive noses or allergies, be sure to use ammonia-free products.

For a more specialized approach, consider using a high-quality glass cleaner specifically designed for mirrors. These products often contain ingredients that evaporate quickly, minimizing the chances of streaks and leaving mirrors crystal clear. Simply spray the glass cleaner onto the mirror surface and wipe it away with a clean cloth or paper towel. This method is quick and convenient, making it an excellent choice for regular mirror maintenance.

Mix Vinegar and Water

A homemade vinegar solution can be equally effective and more gentle. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar into a spray bottle. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if the vinegar smell is too strong for you.

If you prefer a natural and cost-effective solution, mixing vinegar and water can be highly effective. The acidity of vinegar helps dissolve stubborn stains and leaves mirrors gleaming. To create this DIY cleaning solution, combine equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Mist the mixture onto the mirror surface, allowing it to sit for a moment to break down any residue. Wipe the mirror clean with a soft cloth, and enjoy the benefits of an eco-friendly and budget-friendly cleaning solution.

Rubbing Alcohol on Tough Spots

For stubborn spots or sticky residues, mix 1 part water with 1 part rubbing alcohol in a separate spray bottle. Whichever solution you choose, it’s important to use a spray bottle to apply the cleaner evenly on the mirror, which helps avoid over-saturation.

Wipe in Circular Motions

When using a cleaner, spray it on the mirror and begin wiping in circular motions. This helps to spread the cleaner evenly and makes sure you hit every spot. Circular motions also help in preventing noticeable streaks and smears on the mirror’s surface.

For larger mirrors, work in sections to ensure that you can wipe the entire surface before the cleaner dries, which can leave streaks.

Use Microfiber Cloth to Remove Dust

A microfiber cloth is the perfect material for cleaning mirrors because it is super absorbent and doesn’t leave lint behind. Use the cloth to gently remove any remaining dust or loose particles from the mirror after the initial dusting.

Make sure the cloth is clean to avoid transferring any dirt onto the mirror as you clean.

Buff with Microfiber Cloth

After cleaning with your preferred solution, use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the mirror. This final step will remove any remaining cleaner or water, leaving the mirror sparkling. Much like when cleaning, buff in circular motions for the best results.

Buffing is vital for preventing lingering streaks and marks that could mar the mirror’s reflective properties.

Dry with a Lint-Free Cloth

To eliminate any potential for lint, dry your mirror with a clean, lint-free cloth. This gentle material is ideal for preventing any new marks from appearing.

Ensure the cloth is not abrasive to prevent scratches, and always move it in the same direction as your previous cleaning and buffing to maintain a uniform shine.

Consider Natural Cleaners

Natural cleaning alternatives can be just as effective as store-bought cleaners and are a more sustainable option. Natural cleaners like white vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda are great choices for creating a homemade cleaning solution that is safe for families, pets, and the environment. To create a natural glass cleaner, mix equal parts water and vinegar—with a few drops of lemon juice for a fresh scent. Apply this solution using the same process as with store-bought cleaners for a streak-free shine.

Regular Maintenance

The key to keeping mirrors clean is regular maintenance. Simply wiping them down with a clean, damp microfiber cloth every few days can keep them looking their best. For a more polished look, clean with your preferred cleaning solution weekly. This mild maintenance not only ensures clean mirrors but also extends their lifespan.


A spotless, reflective mirror is not just an aesthetic enhancement of a room; it is a testament to the care and effort that goes into maintaining a clean and welcoming space. Next time your mirrors start to cloud over, remember these tips and give them the treatment they deserve. With the right supplies and techniques, you’ll find that keeping your mirrors clean is a simple and rewarding endeavor, ensuring their beauty echoes throughout your home. Ready to tackle the task? Ensure your mirrors reflect a pristine home by following this guide to a faultless shine.

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